Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wasps Be Gone, It's Chicken Time

It is raining in Kigali, I think we're starting to make the transition to the short rainy season that should be here in a few weeks.  The reain is great at the moment because it gets rid of all of the dust in the air, which makes it look cloudy most of the time in Kigali at the moment.  I'm excited to see the flowers and all the green that comes with the rains.

I am happy to report that I am no longer sharing my balcony with wasps, which is a good thing especially considering I am allergic to them.  I opened the door for a bit only to find one of the wasps deciding he was going to explore the inside of the apartment.  Me shooing him outside using sofa cushions as a shield was quite the sight to behold.  In any event, once outside, armed with a blender full of soapy boiling water, I sent the wasps on their way.  I am hoping they will not return.  But I have a steady supply of soap and boiling water if they do.  If the neighbors didn't already think I was crazy they surely do now.  Especially since I locked myself out of my place yesterday and we had to crawl in through a window to get the keys, lol.  This was all quite amusing.

I also bought a chicken at Kimironko yesterday.  There were three options.  There were "imported" chickens in a big cooler, "local" chickens at a little more expensive in a cooler, and then there were birds walking around on a table being herded together by an older woman.  I frequently see people walking around with chickens that are very much still alive, heading home.  I'm not sure if they slaughter the birds themselves or what, but I wasn't exactly up to that prospect.  No clucking chickens for me.  I went for the "local" bird which I was told tasted a bit better, so now it's in my fridge in a paper bag.  I'm a little afraid of it.  It has a neck.  I haven't looked inside yet.

So tonight I'm going to be cooking a chicken, just need to decide how.  This will be my second attempt to cook meat a home.  I've had it when we go out, but the last attempt was not good.  It involved ground beef that, well, had an interesting taste.  I'm hoping that tonight will be better.  It at least looks like a chicken.  With a neck.  Wish me luck.

We will see if I'm back to vegetarian at home by the morning.  

On a final note, the cool breeze that drifts in as the rains feels wonderful, and the clouds are so thick that while I can still see Gikondo and Kicuciro, but Kimisaghe and Nyamirambo are all but lost into the Brigadoon clouds.

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